Smart Coffee Maker
MSI has developed automotive, industrial, and commercial grade ARM-based Linux and Android solutions for more than 15 years. The company is also experienced in developing rugged tablets. Our team utilized these key strengths to offer coffee machine manufacturers an optimized experience of brewing a cup of coffee. The smart coffee maker aims to provide rush urbanites a simple way to slightly customize their americano, espresso, latte, and more other coffee types.
Industrial design
User Interface design
B2B project @ MSI
UX designer - PI-FEN HSU
Software Engineers - MAO-JUN YAN l WEI-CHEN CHU
Pro-E l Keyshot
illustrator l Photoshop
3 months ( 2019 )
The purposes
Ver. 01
Retrofit the old model of a coffee maker with an IoT tablet, providing a smarter way to brew a cup of custom coffee.
Establish a community for users of coffee machine brands to enhance customer engagement.
Utilize the Internet to inform users of replenishing coffee beans. (Also offer a platform for coffee bean brands to promote their products.)
Flow chart
Cooperated with UX Designer - PI-FEN HSU
Final outcome
The Home page
1024 X 768 px
Options for customizing different types of coffee
Grind sizes & Caffeine content
The volume of water
The volume of milk
The process of brewing a cup of customized coffee
The coffee community
This page shows the top-rated coffee recipes downloaded by customers today.
Directs to the details of each recipe
Offer a slight range for customizing the coffee based on the recipe that users choose.
The dropdown menu contains another page of coffee recipes shared by the professional baristas
Directs to the details of each recipe
Advertisement page for coffee beans' brands
Coffee Street provides a platform for coffee beans' companies that are business partners of the coffee machine manufacturers to promote their products.
Directs to the purchase page
Setting page
Remote-controlled coffee maker
Brew coffee with smartphones and share the results on social media instantly.
Check the status of coffee machines and visit coffee beans' websites efficiently.
Wireframes of our Coffee Makers' APP
High-fidelity screens
Iteration goals
Retrofit a different coffee maker model that offers americano solely.
Refine the design of the machine and enlarge the screen.
Iterate the APP for remotely ordering coffee through smartphones.
Ver. 02
The outcome of our iteration
The new coffee maker aims at a commercial scenario that offers americano for office workers.
The coffee maker's APP 2.0
The APP is repositioned as an approach for workers to order their coffee remotely and grab a hot beverage when pass by the machine.